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statutory audit
Subject to statutory independent financial audit by registered auditors shall be the annual and consolidated financial statements of:
1. small enterprises which at 31 December of the current reporting period exceed at least two of the following indicators:
a) book value of the assets – BGN 2,000,000;
b) net sales revenue – BGN 4,000,000;
c) average number of employees for the reporting period: 50;
2. medium-sized and large enterprises;
3. public interest enterprises;
4. medium-sized and large groups and groups in which there is at least one public interest enterprises;
5. enterprises for which this requirement is established by law.
(2) Notwithstanding paragraph (1), the annual and consolidated financial statements of joint-stock companies and limitedpartnerships with shares shall be subject to statutory independent financial audit, save for cases where such companies have not carried out activity during the reporting period.
(3) The consolidated financial statements and the annual financial statements of enterprises included in the consolidation shall be subject to independent financial audit.
(4) The annual financial statements of non-profit legal entities designated as operating for the public benefit shall be subject to independent financial audit by registered auditors where they exceed one of the following criteria for the current year:
1. book value of the assets as of 31 December: BGN 1,000,000;
(5) Subject to statutory independent financial audit by registered auditors shall be the annual financial statements of non-profitlegal entities designated as operating for the public benefit and established to carry out activity under Article 116 of the Family Code.