- audit
- services
- about us
- statutory audit
- An agreed upon Procedures Engagement
- transformation of companies
- Why invest in Bulgaria
- accountancy
- financial statements
- salaries
- taxes
- inventory taking
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We provide:
Audit services consisting:
Statutory audit /applicable auditing standarts are Inrenational audit standarts/.
Voluntary audit.
An agreed upon procedures engagement.
Audit of expenses./Expenses of European projects/
Audit of transformation of companies.
Accounting services consisting:
Financial statements /Compilation and presentationq, annual intermediate financial statements in accordance ofIFRS Standarts or National standarts.
Accounting of long term assets/plant and eqipment/.
Accounting of depreciation, different metods of depreciation.
Accounting depreciation plan and tax depreciation plan.
We provide Inventory taking as follow :
Inventory taking of cash money.
calculation of final result of inventory taking.
realise responsabilities of persons for missing money.
Inventory taking of materials and goods.
Compensation between surpluses and missings /when is necessary/
calculation of final result of inventory taking.
realise responsabilities of persons for missing materials or goods.
Inventory taking of long term activities.
calculation of final result of inventory taking.
realise responsabilities of persons for missing long term activities.
Inventory taking of trade receivabals and trade paybals.
Checking for perods of prescription